Printing details

Mohaba Logo
Mohaba GmbH & Co. KG
Mirweilerweg 8
52349 Düren

Tel.: +49 2421 9111-0
Fax.: +49 2421 9111-66

Vertreten durch die geschäftsführende und persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin MOHABA Verwaltungs GmbH, AG Düren, HRB 45, diese vertreten durch den

Director: Guido Schlepütz
Prokuristen: Ines Wagner, Simone Schlepütz

Registry court of the KG: AG Düren
Register-Nr. der KG: HRA 117 UStIDNr.: DE122277296

Umsetzung und Realisierung durch Content Agentur chaerry –


Liability for contents

The contents of external websites to which we refer directly or indirectly on our website (by means of "hyperlinks" or "deep links") are outside our area of responsibility and we do not adopt them as our own. However, we can declare that at the time of linking, no illegal content was identifiable on the linked pages. We have no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages.

This means that we dissociate ourselves expressly from all contents of all linked pages, which were changed after the link setting. This disclaimer applies to all links and references set within the own internet offer.

For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and in particular for any damage resulting from the use of the information callable in the linked web pages, the provider of the linked site is exclusively responsible. If we become aware of illegal, unlawful or incorrect content on websites to which we link, we will remove the link.


The contents and works created by the site operators on these pages are subject to German copyright law.

Duplication, processing, distribution, or any form of commercialisation of such material beyond the scope of the copyright law will require the prior written consent of its respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this website may not be redistributed in return for payment. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are respected. In particular, third-party content is identified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright breach, please inform us accordingly.

If we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such content immediately.

The photos on this website (with the exception of product photos) are subject to copyright.