Product design/development
We decorate mulled wine cups and drinking glasses made of glass, porcelain and ceramics, which are produced by automatic screen or decal printing. We will be happy to advise you on the selection of your drinking vessel and the design of your motif.
We will be happy to advise you on colour design and the choice of printing process. Our team and our sales team will be happy to support you. If you are looking for a new mould construction, we are also your perfect partner in this area.
We are able to develop completely new products. With the Mohaba CI-art design. What lies behind this and what possibilities arise from it, emerges from a short story...
Talk to us!
Mohaba CI Art Design
Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences and Mohaba are working together
We would like to tell you a little story about a very special cup. It is a very special cup, because it has been completely redesigned by artists and other creative persons. And our little cup is mighty proud of that, too.
We take the time - for the special ...
It all started with Circus Roncalli's wish to present a very special mulled wine cup at its historic Christmas market in Hamburg. One that captures the flair of this romantic market and remains in visitors' memories for a long time. And besides, it's beautiful and practical and sturdy.
Creative partners wanted ...
With the support of Olschewski Consult, we started looking for persons who could put these requirements into a form. At the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, project focus CeramicPorcelain-GlassDESIGN, we were welcomed with open arms. After all, the combination of design theory with applied design practice and artistic design is precisely the goal of the studies at this university.
This was requested ...
Together with the client, the company Roncalli, we, Mohaba GmbH & Co KG, formulated the exact task:
- Creation of an interesting product that can be enjoyed both filled and unfilled
- Material: Stoneware/ceramic
- Weight: approx. 220 - 300 g
- max. height: 10.5 cm
- max. diameter: 9 cm
- Required wall thickness in the area of the mouth margin: 3.5 to 5 mm
- Content/volume: approx. 250 ml
Required features:
- Good rinsing properties, no water residues in the dishwasher
- Smooth decorative surface
- Desired feature: stackable
On your mark, get set, go ...
In order to release additional creative energies, we have granted each participating artist (after registration) a participation fee. The submitted designs were reviewed by a jury consisting of representatives from Mohaba, the university and Roncalli, and finally a shortlist of three designs was made.
Of these three designs, the best design in the opinion of the jury was then selected for further model production.
... and already the ideas come.
In addition to the technical requirements, the new mulled wine cup should also include certain content-related aspects in its design and thus also evoke certain associations. It should be traditional and simple, pick up elements of a chalice form because of the wine product administered in it, but at the same time also establish a reference to the Middle Ages (Historic!? Christmas Market). In short, it should be historic and elegant.
Our special cup takes shape ...
What began with a few strokes, squiggles and hatched areas gradually became clearer and clearer, a
certain direction was discernible, a form was emerging. And was rejected again. Or altered,
reproportioned, stretched or elongated
… until the artist said: Well, that would be my suggestion!
The form becomes tangible ...
Jetzt stand die nächste Bewährungsprobe an:?Aus dem bisherigen Modell musste eine „richtige“ Tasse werden. In unserer Fertigungsstätte in China wurde deshalb aus Originalrohstoffen und -materialien ein Formenmuster hergestellt, um unter „Live“-Bedingungen testen zu können, ob alle Anforderungen erfüllt waren.
The finishing touches, the decor...
Now only the "face" of the cup was missing. Roncalli designed a decor according to our measurements, which we transferred to a cup. This first complete original was deemed good by Roncalli, and the "Go!" came from Hamburg.
Finally - production begins ...
Now our little, very special cup could finally go into production. For this purpose, our Chinese factory first produces the cup bodies, onto which the decorations are then applied by hand.
Got there!
And this is it, our very special cup, whose story we have just told you.
Didn't it get fancy?
Doesn't that make you want to read more little stories?
Maybe even those of "your" little, very special cup soon?
A look into the future...
After this successful start, both sides agreed. The cooperation between the company Mohaba GmbH & Co KG and the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences has a future. Because everyone benefits. We gain in creative potential, the designers of the university in practical experience. This was put into practice through a "licence and distribution agreement" for the commercial use of design objects of the university.
The first follow-up projects have already been agreed:
- Design of QR codes for Mohaba as a link between digital and analogue world - classic commissioned design
- Design of high-quality porcelain sets for marketing in the field of industrial advertising, complemented by an espresso and latte set.